Rhodochrosite (large single crystal, unsual habit)
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Monteregie
Quebec, Canada
3.4 x 3 x .3 CM (thumbnail)
price: $320
A big, sharp and well-formed single crystal of the rare "Mt St. Hilaire habit" of Rhodochrosite. Due to the thin nature of this piece it will fit in a thumbnail category but it looks bigger in person. The color is a brownish that can glow deep red with a backlight. In good condition damage-wise, there are just some very tiny edge chips seen at 10x magnification on the front face and a bigger chip on the backside. For this delicate thin habit this piece is remarkable. A great addition to any good suite of Rhodochrosites or Canadian minerals.

Rhodochrosite (large single crystal, unsual habit)
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Monteregie
Quebec, Canada
3.4 x 3 x .3 CM (thumbnail)
price: $320
A big, sharp and well-formed single crystal of the rare "Mt St. Hilaire habit" of Rhodochrosite. Due to the thin nature of this piece it will fit in a thumbnail category but it looks bigger in person. The color is a brownish that can glow deep red with a backlight. In good condition damage-wise, there are just some very tiny edge chips seen at 10x magnification on the front face and a bigger chip on the backside. For this delicate thin habit this piece is remarkable. A great addition to any good suite of Rhodochrosites or Canadian minerals.