Apophyllite with Prehnite, Quartz (classic locale)
Centreville, Culpeper Basin, Fairfax County
Virginia, United States
6.4 x 5.8 x 4.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $240
Post Tucson 2015
A classic specimen from Centreville, Virginia with sharp, well-defined white Apophyllite crystals contrasting with green Prehnites. This example is in excellent condition, good display quality for the size and quite affordable for one of these.
Apophyllite with Prehnite, Quartz (classic locale)
Centreville, Culpeper Basin, Fairfax County
Virginia, United States
6.4 x 5.8 x 4.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $240
Post Tucson 2015
A classic specimen from Centreville, Virginia with sharp, well-defined white Apophyllite crystals contrasting with green Prehnites. This example is in excellent condition, good display quality for the size and quite affordable for one of these.