Grossular on Diopside and Calcite
Eden Mills Quarries, Lowell & Eden
Vermont, United States
6.7 x 6 x 3.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $1100
Post Tucson 2015
A very special and undamaged Grossular with bright luster and red brown color nicely perched on a complex crystallized matrix. An American classic locale, the so called "Eden Mills" area is usually the Lowell Quarry or the "C" pit, both of Lamoille County, Vermont. The locations are long closed and good specimens are rare. This one is fine and unusual as the matrix has 3 habits of clear calcite crystals nestled in etched Diopside crystals. This particular assemblage is quite uncommon. Several smaller Grossular are present with the largest 1.8 CM across. Good Lowell area specimens are highly sought after and treasured. Few are available and even average specimens are now rather expensive, really good ones are very rare and commensurately priced.
Grossular on Diopside and Calcite
Eden Mills Quarries, Lowell & Eden
Vermont, United States
6.7 x 6 x 3.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $1100
Post Tucson 2015
A very special and undamaged Grossular with bright luster and red brown color nicely perched on a complex crystallized matrix. An American classic locale, the so called "Eden Mills" area is usually the Lowell Quarry or the "C" pit, both of Lamoille County, Vermont. The locations are long closed and good specimens are rare. This one is fine and unusual as the matrix has 3 habits of clear calcite crystals nestled in etched Diopside crystals. This particular assemblage is quite uncommon. Several smaller Grossular are present with the largest 1.8 CM across. Good Lowell area specimens are highly sought after and treasured. Few are available and even average specimens are now rather expensive, really good ones are very rare and commensurately priced.