Serandite on Aegirine with Polylithonite, Leucophanite
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Monteregie
Quebec, Canada
5.7 x 1.5 x .9 CM (cabinet)
price: $155
Winter 2016-17
A sweet and esthetic arrangement of crystals on a 5 CM stalk of Aegirine. Found before 1990 formerly in the Mikel collection via Dave Joyce. A nice yet affordable example of why Mt St Hilaire is one of the world's greatest mineral locales.
Serandite on Aegirine with Polylithonite, Leucophanite
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Monteregie
Quebec, Canada
5.7 x 1.5 x .9 CM (cabinet)
price: $155
Winter 2016-17
A sweet and esthetic arrangement of crystals on a 5 CM stalk of Aegirine. Found before 1990 formerly in the Mikel collection via Dave Joyce. A nice yet affordable example of why Mt St Hilaire is one of the world's greatest mineral locales.