Galena ps after Pyrrhotite - ex Minette collection
Herja Mine, Chiuzbala , Baia Mare
Maramures, Romania
9.3 x 6.3 x 5.1 CM (cabinet)
price: $875
Spring 2017
A killer esthetic pseudomorph that has bright flattened Galenas arranged epitaxially and completely replacing large Pyrrhotite crystals. This was previously in the Minette, Loud and Hladyz collections. This is also the very best example of this unusual replacement I have seen, in excellent undamaged condition and impressive from all sides. The original Pyrrhotite crystals shapes are perfectly preserved and reach to 7.5 CM across.

Galena ps after Pyrrhotite - ex Minette collection
Herja Mine, Chiuzbala , Baia Mare
Maramures, Romania
9.3 x 6.3 x 5.1 CM (cabinet)
price: $875
Spring 2017
A killer esthetic pseudomorph that has bright flattened Galenas arranged epitaxially and completely replacing large Pyrrhotite crystals. This was previously in the Minette, Loud and Hladyz collections. This is also the very best example of this unusual replacement I have seen, in excellent undamaged condition and impressive from all sides. The original Pyrrhotite crystals shapes are perfectly preserved and reach to 7.5 CM across.