Adamite, Azurite w. Conichalcite - vintage
Tintic District
Utah, United States
6.2 x 5.6 x 3 CM (cabinet)
price: $290
Spring 2017
A fine classic specimen from the Tintic District, ex Northwestern University Museum, Charles Noll, David Crawford etc. Bright Cuprian Adamite crystals sparkle against Azurite and Conichalcite on a gossan matrix with traces of Cuprite. Comes with several labels, is in fine condition, undamaged, and clearly a very old specimen. Almost never seen on the market today, from a significant US locality.

Adamite, Azurite w. Conichalcite - vintage
Tintic District
Utah, United States
6.2 x 5.6 x 3 CM (cabinet)
price: $290
Spring 2017
A fine classic specimen from the Tintic District, ex Northwestern University Museum, Charles Noll, David Crawford etc. Bright Cuprian Adamite crystals sparkle against Azurite and Conichalcite on a gossan matrix with traces of Cuprite. Comes with several labels, is in fine condition, undamaged, and clearly a very old specimen. Almost never seen on the market today, from a significant US locality.