Elbaite -Vintage Black cap or Moorshead form, Type locale
Elba Island, Livorno Province
Tuscany, Italy
1.3 x .6 x .5 CM (thumbnail)
price: $440
new june 17
A very old, classic specimen mounted on a 19th century wooden pedestal. Old labels are included one of which shows a date of 1810 or 1870 (very hard to read). Either way this is a classic, antique piece with very good condition, form and clarity in the body. Type locality and a great addition to any display of vintage or modern tourmaline.
Elbaite -Vintage Black cap or Moorshead form, Type locale
Elba Island, Livorno Province
Tuscany, Italy
1.3 x .6 x .5 CM (thumbnail)
price: $440
new june 17
A very old, classic specimen mounted on a 19th century wooden pedestal. Old labels are included one of which shows a date of 1810 or 1870 (very hard to read). Either way this is a classic, antique piece with very good condition, form and clarity in the body. Type locality and a great addition to any display of vintage or modern tourmaline.