Anglesite with Linarite etc- EX Lechner, Shortmann
Bruche Mine, Musen, Siegerland
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
4.8 x 3.9 x 3.4 CM (miniature)
price: $350
new june 17
A classic specimen from the famed Lechner collection of Austria, later sold by the Schortmanns in 1950-52. A Gossan and decomposed Galena matrix full of vugs hosts sharp and in some cases gemmy Anglesites. Scattered small Linarite crystals are near, on and in the Anglesites. The largest Anglesite is 8MM, several crystal forms and possibly some twinning is noted. Choice old piece.
Anglesite with Linarite etc- EX Lechner, Shortmann
Bruche Mine, Musen, Siegerland
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
4.8 x 3.9 x 3.4 CM (miniature)
price: $350
new june 17
A classic specimen from the famed Lechner collection of Austria, later sold by the Schortmanns in 1950-52. A Gossan and decomposed Galena matrix full of vugs hosts sharp and in some cases gemmy Anglesites. Scattered small Linarite crystals are near, on and in the Anglesites. The largest Anglesite is 8MM, several crystal forms and possibly some twinning is noted. Choice old piece.