








Cerussite- Chromian, reticulated twins
Daoping Mine, Gongcheng County, Guilin Prefecture
Guangxi Province, China
5.8 x 3.8 x 1.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $1450
new june 17

A perfect complex twin of Cerussite with the zoned yellow color of the Chromian variety from Daoping. There are also several pink zones that make a nice color contrast. Fine Cerussites at this locale were always very rare and often overshadowed by the great finds of Pyromorphites and Plumbogummites. However the good ones like this are impressive. This would be a fine Cerussite from any locale and is in excellent condition, displayable on all sides, a true floater and with well above average luster. No naked eye visible damage at all, with 20X magnification I find one very small bruise, which is incredible for the delicate and sensitive mineral. This shows well the classic sixling twinning and overall reticulation. Fine form, color and condition.

Cerussite- Chromian, reticulated twins
Daoping Mine, Gongcheng County, Guilin Prefecture
Guangxi Province, China
5.8 x 3.8 x 1.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $1450
new june 17

A perfect complex twin of Cerussite with the zoned yellow color of the Chromian variety from Daoping. There are also several pink zones that make a nice color contrast. Fine Cerussites at this locale were always very rare and often overshadowed by the great finds of Pyromorphites and Plumbogummites. However the good ones like this are impressive. This would be a fine Cerussite from any locale and is in excellent condition, displayable on all sides, a true floater and with well above average luster. No naked eye visible damage at all, with 20X magnification I find one very small bruise, which is incredible for the delicate and sensitive mineral. This shows well the classic sixling twinning and overall reticulation. Fine form, color and condition.