Dravite- Classic locale
Gouverneur, St. Lawrence County
New York, United States
4.3 x 3.8 x 2.2 CM (miniature)
price: $850
Spring update
A stunning classic Dravite specimen with honey brown lustrous crystals nicely exposed on matrix. Ex Carter Rich and Bill Hladysz, this is in remarkable condition, with only contacts on the back and one side but no damage at all. These old Gouverneur specimens (St Lawrence County, NY) rarely have such sharp form, warm color and strong esthetics.

Dravite- Classic locale
Gouverneur, St. Lawrence County
New York, United States
4.3 x 3.8 x 2.2 CM (miniature)
price: $850
Spring update
A stunning classic Dravite specimen with honey brown lustrous crystals nicely exposed on matrix. Ex Carter Rich and Bill Hladysz, this is in remarkable condition, with only contacts on the back and one side but no damage at all. These old Gouverneur specimens (St Lawrence County, NY) rarely have such sharp form, warm color and strong esthetics.