Fluorite- jigsaw puzzle etched
Taolin Mine, Linxiang
Hunan Province, China
8.7 x 4.3 x 4.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $1500
Spring update
A striking and odd habit, the "jigsaw puzzel faced" Fluorites from a small find in 2002 at the Taolin mine. An incredible form- these faces are 3 dimensional, zoned and etched and have color epitaxially on the outsides of the etched forms. We obtained just a few of these in China at that time, but I never saw more. We sold all of those specimens many years ago and this one recently returned in a collection. Contacted on the back but the front and sides are in fine condition, undamaged. Very strange and rare early vintage Chinese specimen.

Fluorite- jigsaw puzzle etched
Taolin Mine, Linxiang
Hunan Province, China
8.7 x 4.3 x 4.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $1500
Spring update
A striking and odd habit, the "jigsaw puzzel faced" Fluorites from a small find in 2002 at the Taolin mine. An incredible form- these faces are 3 dimensional, zoned and etched and have color epitaxially on the outsides of the etched forms. We obtained just a few of these in China at that time, but I never saw more. We sold all of those specimens many years ago and this one recently returned in a collection. Contacted on the back but the front and sides are in fine condition, undamaged. Very strange and rare early vintage Chinese specimen.