Vivianite - single gemmy crystal
Tomokoni Mine, Machacamarca District
Potosi, Bolivia
4.5 x 2.3 x 1.3 CM (miniature)
price: $325
Spring update
A gem clear single crystal with excellent dark green to bluish color, and glass-like luster. Sharp and elegant, this is at its best with some backlight to bring out the inner colors. On the backside some small matrix is adhering, but mostly this is a single, loose crystal. Typical curving of the termination can be seen at some angles. Choice older specimen from 1980 vintage finds, excellent condition.
Vivianite - single gemmy crystal
Tomokoni Mine, Machacamarca District
Potosi, Bolivia
4.5 x 2.3 x 1.3 CM (miniature)
price: $325
Spring update
A gem clear single crystal with excellent dark green to bluish color, and glass-like luster. Sharp and elegant, this is at its best with some backlight to bring out the inner colors. On the backside some small matrix is adhering, but mostly this is a single, loose crystal. Typical curving of the termination can be seen at some angles. Choice older specimen from 1980 vintage finds, excellent condition.