Beryl var. Emerald on Quartz
Mina El Toro, Chivor Municipio de Chivor
Boyaca, Colombia
5.4 X 4.3 x 3.5 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $1200
Worldwide mix summer
Large translucent Emerald crystals protruding from a vuggy Quartz matrix. From a little known mine (Mina El Toro) that is in the Chivor district of Colombia, this is an attractive specimen with rich color. The main crystal is 4.3 CM long and the termination is quite choice. Quartz is a rare matrix for Colombian Emeralds since most are found in Calcite veins. On close inspection the Quartz shows several crystal faces that are distorted and bent, a very odd matrix. Displays well obviously not top facet grade but not priced at 20,000 per carat either. The form and color make this a very attractive specimen that is a fine addition to any suite of Beryls, Colombian minerals or just a collection of nice esthetic pieces.

Beryl var. Emerald on Quartz
Mina El Toro, Chivor Municipio de Chivor
Boyaca, Colombia
5.4 X 4.3 x 3.5 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $1200
Worldwide mix summer
Large translucent Emerald crystals protruding from a vuggy Quartz matrix. From a little known mine (Mina El Toro) that is in the Chivor district of Colombia, this is an attractive specimen with rich color. The main crystal is 4.3 CM long and the termination is quite choice. Quartz is a rare matrix for Colombian Emeralds since most are found in Calcite veins. On close inspection the Quartz shows several crystal faces that are distorted and bent, a very odd matrix. Displays well obviously not top facet grade but not priced at 20,000 per carat either. The form and color make this a very attractive specimen that is a fine addition to any suite of Beryls, Colombian minerals or just a collection of nice esthetic pieces.