








Dolomite- Penetration twins, gemmy crystals
Cantera Nueva, Eugui
Navarra, Spain
7.1 x 6.3 x 3 CM (cabinet)
price: $420
Worldwide mix summer

A fine transparent cluster of Dolomite crystals from the classic Spanish locality of Eugui, Navarre. An uncommon matrix piece, the crystals are up to 4 CM in diameter and very sharp, undamaged. Dolomite is a very common mineral and crystals are not rare at all, but sharp, gem clear Rhombs like this are really only found at this one locality and they are very rare in such quality. Some minor dark zoning is seen but overall these are white to colorless and mostly transparent. The penetration twinning is textbook sharp and clear, an excellent piece found in 1998.

Dolomite- Penetration twins, gemmy crystals
Cantera Nueva, Eugui
Navarra, Spain
7.1 x 6.3 x 3 CM (cabinet)
price: $420
Worldwide mix summer

A fine transparent cluster of Dolomite crystals from the classic Spanish locality of Eugui, Navarre. An uncommon matrix piece, the crystals are up to 4 CM in diameter and very sharp, undamaged. Dolomite is a very common mineral and crystals are not rare at all, but sharp, gem clear Rhombs like this are really only found at this one locality and they are very rare in such quality. Some minor dark zoning is seen but overall these are white to colorless and mostly transparent. The penetration twinning is textbook sharp and clear, an excellent piece found in 1998.