Parisite - single crystal
Muzo Mining District
Boyaca, Colombia
2.4 x 1.6 x 1.2 CM (thumbnail)
price: $950
Large, sharp, and very translucent, this single crystal of Parisite is exceptional. The bright red brown color and glassy luster make this stand out. Parisites have been found sporadically at the Emerald mines near Muzo, but usually much smaller, damaged or opaque. This is a textbook example of the tapering habit seen at Muzo. Perfectly eye clean for damage but very tiny chip can be found with 20X magnification. In 15 years of travel and worki with Colombian minerals, this is the best single crystal of Parisite we have had.

Parisite - single crystal
Muzo Mining District
Boyaca, Colombia
2.4 x 1.6 x 1.2 CM (thumbnail)
price: $950
Large, sharp, and very translucent, this single crystal of Parisite is exceptional. The bright red brown color and glassy luster make this stand out. Parisites have been found sporadically at the Emerald mines near Muzo, but usually much smaller, damaged or opaque. This is a textbook example of the tapering habit seen at Muzo. Perfectly eye clean for damage but very tiny chip can be found with 20X magnification. In 15 years of travel and worki with Colombian minerals, this is the best single crystal of Parisite we have had.