








Adularia with Titanite (Classic Alpine)
Rotiaul. Guttannen, Hasli Valley
Bern, Switzerland
7.8 x 4.6 x 4.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $440

A super esthetic stack of perfect Adularia crystals in epitaxial arrangement hosting gem clear Titanites. Some selective coating of Chlorite on crystal faces of the Adulariaadds some contrast as well. This is a 360 degree piece it looks fine on all sides and has a strong esthetic arrangement. The main Titanite is 8mm perfect, gem clear flat prism with bright luster. A few tiny Quartz crystals are mixed into the matrix as well, overall a super fine arrangement of Alpine species.

Adularia with Titanite (Classic Alpine)
Rotiaul. Guttannen, Hasli Valley
Bern, Switzerland
7.8 x 4.6 x 4.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $440

A super esthetic stack of perfect Adularia crystals in epitaxial arrangement hosting gem clear Titanites. Some selective coating of Chlorite on crystal faces of the Adulariaadds some contrast as well. This is a 360 degree piece it looks fine on all sides and has a strong esthetic arrangement. The main Titanite is 8mm perfect, gem clear flat prism with bright luster. A few tiny Quartz crystals are mixed into the matrix as well, overall a super fine arrangement of Alpine species.