








Analcime on Serandite/ Schiziolte
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Monteregie
Quebec, Canada
2.7 x 1.7 x 1.1 (thumbnail)
price: $65

Classic Mt. St. Hillaire specimen of a cream Analcime crystal nicely perched on a salmon color Serandite and or Schiziolite cluster. The Serandite is broken at one end but terminated (crudely) on the other. It has been recently determined that some but not all of this habit Serandite is in fact Schiziolite and requires testing. It seems that some crystals are also zoned and have both species present. This one has not be analyzed. As is typical on specimens from this locale, there are other species present as micro crystals too, a Polylithonite rosette and a small cluster of Rhodochrosite. Nice combo thumbnail.

Analcime on Serandite/ Schiziolte
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Monteregie
Quebec, Canada
2.7 x 1.7 x 1.1 (thumbnail)
price: $65

Classic Mt. St. Hillaire specimen of a cream Analcime crystal nicely perched on a salmon color Serandite and or Schiziolite cluster. The Serandite is broken at one end but terminated (crudely) on the other. It has been recently determined that some but not all of this habit Serandite is in fact Schiziolite and requires testing. It seems that some crystals are also zoned and have both species present. This one has not be analyzed. As is typical on specimens from this locale, there are other species present as micro crystals too, a Polylithonite rosette and a small cluster of Rhodochrosite. Nice combo thumbnail.