Rhodochrosite- gem clear Rhomb
Black Rock Mine, Black Rock District, Kalahari Manganese Field
Northern Cape Province, South Africa
1.4 x .6 x .3 CM (thumbnail)
price: $340
Small yet very vivid red and super transparent, a colorful gem crystal. , Sharp and perfectly terminated (these almost always have tiny tip cleaves) a very cute Rhodochrosite from the Kalahari. From the Black Rock mine, this is an older collection piece as these were found decades ago, before the big discoveries at NChwanning. Perfect clarity and a choice thumbnail.

Rhodochrosite- gem clear Rhomb
Black Rock Mine, Black Rock District, Kalahari Manganese Field
Northern Cape Province, South Africa
1.4 x .6 x .3 CM (thumbnail)
price: $340
Small yet very vivid red and super transparent, a colorful gem crystal. , Sharp and perfectly terminated (these almost always have tiny tip cleaves) a very cute Rhodochrosite from the Kalahari. From the Black Rock mine, this is an older collection piece as these were found decades ago, before the big discoveries at NChwanning. Perfect clarity and a choice thumbnail.