








Hexagonite - rare terminated Mg Tremolite
Gouverneur Mine, Fowler, St. Lawrence County
New York, United States
2.8 x .8 x .3 CM (thumbnail)
price: $800

A rare, choice gem clear thumbnail of lilac color Hexagonite (var of Tremolite). The termination on this is complex being made of many tiny points in a tapering structure. Transparent with some color zoning seen when backlit. I believe that St. Lawrence County is the only place where this mineral occurs being found at just 4 locations. However only the Gouverneur Mine ever produced any of this sort of clear terminated crystal and not many of them. This was named when it was thought the crystal form was Hexagonal, however it was later determined to be Monoclinic. The crystal here is in fine condition, has clear striations along the prism faces and a very rich color.

Hexagonite - rare terminated Mg Tremolite
Gouverneur Mine, Fowler, St. Lawrence County
New York, United States
2.8 x .8 x .3 CM (thumbnail)
price: $800

A rare, choice gem clear thumbnail of lilac color Hexagonite (var of Tremolite). The termination on this is complex being made of many tiny points in a tapering structure. Transparent with some color zoning seen when backlit. I believe that St. Lawrence County is the only place where this mineral occurs being found at just 4 locations. However only the Gouverneur Mine ever produced any of this sort of clear terminated crystal and not many of them. This was named when it was thought the crystal form was Hexagonal, however it was later determined to be Monoclinic. The crystal here is in fine condition, has clear striations along the prism faces and a very rich color.