Cinnabar- twinned crystal on Dolomite
Tongren Mine, Wanshan District, Tongren Prefecture
Guizhou Province, China
6.2 x 4.8 x 3.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $900
Spring 2020
A killer classic form of a "drill bit" twin crystal of Cinnabar stands out well on the Dolomite and Quartz matrix. In great condition, no damage and with bright luster, this glows a ruby red when backlit. The photos here do not have backlighting so the look is a bit darker but shows the twin form clearly. The Tongren Mine was a great locality for many years but is no longer producing. This piece is far better than average with a much larger than average crystal and very choice esthetics. At one time before China was opened for export of minerals a top Cinnabar like this was nearly impossible to obtain and close to priceless, being only available from museum collections. One of the great prizes in the mineral world, these are by far the best Cinnabars ever found and this is a super example.

Cinnabar- twinned crystal on Dolomite
Tongren Mine, Wanshan District, Tongren Prefecture
Guizhou Province, China
6.2 x 4.8 x 3.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $900
Spring 2020
A killer classic form of a "drill bit" twin crystal of Cinnabar stands out well on the Dolomite and Quartz matrix. In great condition, no damage and with bright luster, this glows a ruby red when backlit. The photos here do not have backlighting so the look is a bit darker but shows the twin form clearly. The Tongren Mine was a great locality for many years but is no longer producing. This piece is far better than average with a much larger than average crystal and very choice esthetics. At one time before China was opened for export of minerals a top Cinnabar like this was nearly impossible to obtain and close to priceless, being only available from museum collections. One of the great prizes in the mineral world, these are by far the best Cinnabars ever found and this is a super example.