








Rhodochrosite stalactite
Capillitas Mine, Andagala
Catamarca, Argentina
7.7 x 3.3 x 1.4 CM (cabinet)
price: $390
Spring 2020

A pair of intergrown "stalactite" habit Rhodochrosites with well defined lathlike crystals in stacked arrangement. From the famed mine at Capillitas, which is still the only place on Earth that this form is found. The bottom or base of the pair is broken and shows the concentric banding that is so sought after in the lapidary trade, but the form and larger than average crystals makes this a choice mineral specimen. The color is a pink to orange hue on one edge, the other sides have a secondary coating of a white to grey Manganese oxides. The unusual structure of intersecting fingers makes for an esthetic display piece. In excellent condition, the crystals are undamaged save for the point of attachment.

Rhodochrosite stalactite
Capillitas Mine, Andagala
Catamarca, Argentina
7.7 x 3.3 x 1.4 CM (cabinet)
price: $390
Spring 2020

A pair of intergrown "stalactite" habit Rhodochrosites with well defined lathlike crystals in stacked arrangement. From the famed mine at Capillitas, which is still the only place on Earth that this form is found. The bottom or base of the pair is broken and shows the concentric banding that is so sought after in the lapidary trade, but the form and larger than average crystals makes this a choice mineral specimen. The color is a pink to orange hue on one edge, the other sides have a secondary coating of a white to grey Manganese oxides. The unusual structure of intersecting fingers makes for an esthetic display piece. In excellent condition, the crystals are undamaged save for the point of attachment.