








Almandine (huge) on Rhyolite Schist
Garnet Hill, Ely, White Pine County
Nevada, United States
3.1 x 2.9 x 2.4 CM (small miniature/ large thumbnail (toenail))
price: $480

A big, sharp and lustrous Garnet crystal perched in a contrasting light Rhyolite. This crystal is enormous for this locality, it is larger (2.7 CM) than any of the 67 Garnet Hill specimens shown on Mindat, and is fully prefect. The back side of the specimen has another Almandine as well but the crystal on the display side is more impressive. When these were collected some years ago they were all labeled as Spessartine but later testing proved that all are Almandine. The Garnet undamaged even at high magnification, and the bright, lightly striated faces are striking. Aside from being a fine piece for this remarkable locality, it is a choice Almandine from any place.

Almandine (huge) on Rhyolite Schist
Garnet Hill, Ely, White Pine County
Nevada, United States
3.1 x 2.9 x 2.4 CM (small miniature/ large thumbnail (toenail))
price: $480

A big, sharp and lustrous Garnet crystal perched in a contrasting light Rhyolite. This crystal is enormous for this locality, it is larger (2.7 CM) than any of the 67 Garnet Hill specimens shown on Mindat, and is fully prefect. The back side of the specimen has another Almandine as well but the crystal on the display side is more impressive. When these were collected some years ago they were all labeled as Spessartine but later testing proved that all are Almandine. The Garnet undamaged even at high magnification, and the bright, lightly striated faces are striking. Aside from being a fine piece for this remarkable locality, it is a choice Almandine from any place.