Rapid Creek, Dawson Mining District
Yukon Territory, Canada
4.6 x 3.2 x2.3 CM (miniature)
price: $480
Spring 2020
Superb, larger sized Augelite crystals of top quality in an esthetic cluster. Killer condition (no damage) and with the largest crystal 1.6 CM. Augelite is a rather rare Phosphate only found in such fine crystals like this from two localities worldwide. This specimen is exceptional for the Rapid Creek finds and has fine zoning, sharp, lustrous faces, nice color and some gemmy areas. This remote area of the Yukon has been a world class source of fine Phosphate specimens. The Augelites from here are distinctly different from the the newer finds at Mundo Nuevo (Peru).
Rapid Creek, Dawson Mining District
Yukon Territory, Canada
4.6 x 3.2 x2.3 CM (miniature)
price: $480
Spring 2020
Superb, larger sized Augelite crystals of top quality in an esthetic cluster. Killer condition (no damage) and with the largest crystal 1.6 CM. Augelite is a rather rare Phosphate only found in such fine crystals like this from two localities worldwide. This specimen is exceptional for the Rapid Creek finds and has fine zoning, sharp, lustrous faces, nice color and some gemmy areas. This remote area of the Yukon has been a world class source of fine Phosphate specimens. The Augelites from here are distinctly different from the the newer finds at Mundo Nuevo (Peru).