Amethyst on Glauberite casts -Classic locale
Setz Quarry, Idar Obersein , Hunsruck
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
7.3 x 6.7 x 4.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $370
From the Idar Oberstien area that is famed for its Basalt flow minerals most notably fine Agates. This is a delicate and sharply formed replacment of a flowerlike spray of Glauberite bladed crystals enclosing a vug. All the Glauberite are now replaced by Quartz with the inner part showing a zone of Amethyst fingers. Some fingers show the hollow void where the Glauberite crystals had been. An older specimen ex Ruth Palmer and William Hladysz collections. This is a bit similar to some New Jersey (USA) casts often seen with Prehnite replacing Anhydrite.
Amethyst on Glauberite casts -Classic locale
Setz Quarry, Idar Obersein , Hunsruck
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
7.3 x 6.7 x 4.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $370
From the Idar Oberstien area that is famed for its Basalt flow minerals most notably fine Agates. This is a delicate and sharply formed replacment of a flowerlike spray of Glauberite bladed crystals enclosing a vug. All the Glauberite are now replaced by Quartz with the inner part showing a zone of Amethyst fingers. Some fingers show the hollow void where the Glauberite crystals had been. An older specimen ex Ruth Palmer and William Hladysz collections. This is a bit similar to some New Jersey (USA) casts often seen with Prehnite replacing Anhydrite.