Copper pseudomorph after Aragonite
Corocoro, Pacajes Province
La Paz, Bolivia
1.3 x 1.2 x .5 CM (thumbnail)
price: $190
new year 2021
A perfect small thumbnail of native Copper that has faithfully replaced a hexagonal Aragonite crystal. The Aragonite form is textbook perfect and the patina is a choice red copper hue. No damage, complete all around this is both sharper and with better color than usually seen. These pseudomorphs were found more than 30 years ago and not since. Ex Larry White collection.
Copper pseudomorph after Aragonite
Corocoro, Pacajes Province
La Paz, Bolivia
1.3 x 1.2 x .5 CM (thumbnail)
price: $190
new year 2021
A perfect small thumbnail of native Copper that has faithfully replaced a hexagonal Aragonite crystal. The Aragonite form is textbook perfect and the patina is a choice red copper hue. No damage, complete all around this is both sharper and with better color than usually seen. These pseudomorphs were found more than 30 years ago and not since. Ex Larry White collection.