Brazilianite - classic Northeastern USA
Chandler Mills Mine, Newport
New Hampshire, United States
7.1 x 4.6 x 2.6 CM (cabinet)
price: $750
new year 2021
This locality produced some important phosphate minerals, including Brazilianite, long before it was first found and described from Brazil. While not like some of the best Brazilian pieces, this small mine produced what are probably the very best specimens that did not come from Brazil. This is one of the best pieces I have seen in many years from here. It is richly covered on both sides with well-formed crystals in several habits. The largest are over 1.6 CM and quite blocky, most being exposed well from the matrix. There is a second generation of tiny Brazilianite crystals between many of the large prisms, these are transparent and lustrous, the larger crystals are less glassy but translucent. In fine undamaged condition this can display from almost any angle. An excellent US classic that ranks among the best not from Brazil.
Brazilianite - classic Northeastern USA
Chandler Mills Mine, Newport
New Hampshire, United States
7.1 x 4.6 x 2.6 CM (cabinet)
price: $750
new year 2021
This locality produced some important phosphate minerals, including Brazilianite, long before it was first found and described from Brazil. While not like some of the best Brazilian pieces, this small mine produced what are probably the very best specimens that did not come from Brazil. This is one of the best pieces I have seen in many years from here. It is richly covered on both sides with well-formed crystals in several habits. The largest are over 1.6 CM and quite blocky, most being exposed well from the matrix. There is a second generation of tiny Brazilianite crystals between many of the large prisms, these are transparent and lustrous, the larger crystals are less glassy but translucent. In fine undamaged condition this can display from almost any angle. An excellent US classic that ranks among the best not from Brazil.