








Galena - spinel twins, USA
Fletcher Mine, Big Bear orebody, Vibernum Trend, Reynolds County
Missouri, United States
6.1 x 4.4 x 3.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $380
new year 2021

A flat habit spinel twinned Galena perched on Dolomite, Chalcopyrite etc. From the Fletcher Mine (Missouri, USA) the Galena is perfect, undamaged and huge for the mine at over 4 CM across. it is very unusual to see from the USA, there have been a few US finds of these over the past decade but never many. The Fletcher Mine is perhaps the most important locality for these twins and this specimen is top notch for the locale based on crystal size and esthetics. In person there is a slight iridescent patina and a slight golden hue mixed with a gunmetal silver.

Galena - spinel twins, USA
Fletcher Mine, Big Bear orebody, Vibernum Trend, Reynolds County
Missouri, United States
6.1 x 4.4 x 3.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $380
new year 2021

A flat habit spinel twinned Galena perched on Dolomite, Chalcopyrite etc. From the Fletcher Mine (Missouri, USA) the Galena is perfect, undamaged and huge for the mine at over 4 CM across. it is very unusual to see from the USA, there have been a few US finds of these over the past decade but never many. The Fletcher Mine is perhaps the most important locality for these twins and this specimen is top notch for the locale based on crystal size and esthetics. In person there is a slight iridescent patina and a slight golden hue mixed with a gunmetal silver.