








Scorodite - classic Mexican
Mina Ojuela, Mapimi
Durango, Mexico
6.7 x 5.8 x 4.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $450
new year 2021

A hefty cabinet-sized Scorodite specimen with very lustrous crystals from the earlier find at Mina Ojuela. At first glance the Scorodites look dark almost black but under strong lighting they are a dark transparent blue with a few green and yellow-green crystals mixed in. Unlike many Scorodites from Ojuela this does not have a crumbly matrix, this is a solid piece with no hint of degeneration. An excellent value, this piece from the earlier find in the 1970's is very different from the 2015-16 find, and these are rare on the market.

Scorodite - classic Mexican
Mina Ojuela, Mapimi
Durango, Mexico
6.7 x 5.8 x 4.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $450
new year 2021

A hefty cabinet-sized Scorodite specimen with very lustrous crystals from the earlier find at Mina Ojuela. At first glance the Scorodites look dark almost black but under strong lighting they are a dark transparent blue with a few green and yellow-green crystals mixed in. Unlike many Scorodites from Ojuela this does not have a crumbly matrix, this is a solid piece with no hint of degeneration. An excellent value, this piece from the earlier find in the 1970's is very different from the 2015-16 find, and these are rare on the market.