Tarbuttite (Type locality) with Scholzite
Broken Hill (Kabwe Mine) Kabwe District
Central Province, Zambia
7.1 x 6.1 x 3.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $300
new year 2021
An open cavity fully lined with sharp, clear Tarbuttite crystals and with close exam some white acicular Scholzite crystals. Tarbuttite is quite rare worldwide but from two localities it was found at one time in good amounts and in high quality. The old Broken Hill (Zambia) and the Skorpion Mine in Namibia have both produced some well-crystallized and attractive specimens. These locales had a completely different look. This Broken Hill (Kabwe Mine) piece has lustrous, gemmy clear and very sharp crystals that are in fine condition overall and contrast with the matrix well. Choice and displays very well.

Tarbuttite (Type locality) with Scholzite
Broken Hill (Kabwe Mine) Kabwe District
Central Province, Zambia
7.1 x 6.1 x 3.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $300
new year 2021
An open cavity fully lined with sharp, clear Tarbuttite crystals and with close exam some white acicular Scholzite crystals. Tarbuttite is quite rare worldwide but from two localities it was found at one time in good amounts and in high quality. The old Broken Hill (Zambia) and the Skorpion Mine in Namibia have both produced some well-crystallized and attractive specimens. These locales had a completely different look. This Broken Hill (Kabwe Mine) piece has lustrous, gemmy clear and very sharp crystals that are in fine condition overall and contrast with the matrix well. Choice and displays very well.