








Pyrolusite - well-formed crystals, vintage
Ahmeek Mine, Ahmeek, Keweenaw County
Michigan, United States
8.3 x 6.7 x 3.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $170
Early summer 2021

A choice old specimen of Pyrolusite from upper Michigan copper country. The old labels and documents all list this as an Akmeek Mine specimen, but Pyrolusite is not noted from that mine, although it does occur nearby. Our sources seem very certain this is actually from the Taylor Mine and a fine example from that locality, with typical matrix. We are listing this using the original label locality rather than change this attribution. Either way a choice piece with well-formed, shiny metallic crystals of what is usually a sooty black and ugly mineral. The crystals are protected in vugs on both sides of the matrix and up to 1.5 CM. From a classic region, these are some of the best of the specie from this zone. Ex Ernie Schlichter and John Marshall collection, also with an unattributed very old label.

Pyrolusite - well-formed crystals, vintage
Ahmeek Mine, Ahmeek, Keweenaw County
Michigan, United States
8.3 x 6.7 x 3.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $170
Early summer 2021

A choice old specimen of Pyrolusite from upper Michigan copper country. The old labels and documents all list this as an Akmeek Mine specimen, but Pyrolusite is not noted from that mine, although it does occur nearby. Our sources seem very certain this is actually from the Taylor Mine and a fine example from that locality, with typical matrix. We are listing this using the original label locality rather than change this attribution. Either way a choice piece with well-formed, shiny metallic crystals of what is usually a sooty black and ugly mineral. The crystals are protected in vugs on both sides of the matrix and up to 1.5 CM. From a classic region, these are some of the best of the specie from this zone. Ex Ernie Schlichter and John Marshall collection, also with an unattributed very old label.