Klebelsbergite on Stibiconite with Stibnite, Quartz etc.
Pereta Mine, Scansano, Grosseto Province
Tuscany, Italy
7.2 x 5.5 x 3.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $330
Late Summer 2021
Three dimensional vuggy matrix with several altered Stibnite crystals that are now the matrix for blood red Klebelsbergite crystals. There are also some sprays of colorless needles and small yellow balls that are not identified though we suspect the needles are also Klebelsbergite. Most specimens of this mineral are micromounts and not so well visible as this. The crystals of Stibnite/ Stibiconite reach to a little over 3 CM long and are well-protected in the vugs. Ex collection of Glenn Petrie and Brizzi Gioncarlo (Florence, Italy). The older labels mention Kermesite which is not known from this locality. I can not see anything that looks like this specie and suspect it is an error, but it could be possible in tiny crystals. . The Pereta Mine is not well-known outside of Italy but it is an important and rich old locale that has been the source of many rare Antimony minerals. This is a rich example of several alterations of Stibnite and while very impressive under magnification it is also attractive as a normal, eye visible display specimen.
Klebelsbergite on Stibiconite with Stibnite, Quartz etc.
Pereta Mine, Scansano, Grosseto Province
Tuscany, Italy
7.2 x 5.5 x 3.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $330
Late Summer 2021
Three dimensional vuggy matrix with several altered Stibnite crystals that are now the matrix for blood red Klebelsbergite crystals. There are also some sprays of colorless needles and small yellow balls that are not identified though we suspect the needles are also Klebelsbergite. Most specimens of this mineral are micromounts and not so well visible as this. The crystals of Stibnite/ Stibiconite reach to a little over 3 CM long and are well-protected in the vugs. Ex collection of Glenn Petrie and Brizzi Gioncarlo (Florence, Italy). The older labels mention Kermesite which is not known from this locality. I can not see anything that looks like this specie and suspect it is an error, but it could be possible in tiny crystals. . The Pereta Mine is not well-known outside of Italy but it is an important and rich old locale that has been the source of many rare Antimony minerals. This is a rich example of several alterations of Stibnite and while very impressive under magnification it is also attractive as a normal, eye visible display specimen.