Murdochite, Aurichalcite, Caledonite, Malachite Zincolibethenite?
Mina Dos Adrianas, Zapaltar Mining District, Copiapo Province
Atacama Region, Chile
8.7 x 6. x 4.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $220
Post Tucson 2022
A large, very rich and complex specimen loaded with secondary species and a feast for the eyes under the microscope. The dominant specie is the Aurichalcite seen on almost every surface of the specimen, but sizable areas of Murdochite are also easily noted. The Murdochite is in tiny crystals on dark botryoids. Other species are noted including Caledonite and what seems to be Zincolibethenite but that is not confirmed. Some blue green rhomb crystals are also noted that may be Aurichalcite on or in Calcite. The piece looks fine as a display item or could be made into dozens or maybe hundreds of Micromounts. An unusually well mineralized specimen from the noted Mina dos Adrianas in Chile.
Murdochite, Aurichalcite, Caledonite, Malachite Zincolibethenite?
Mina Dos Adrianas, Zapaltar Mining District, Copiapo Province
Atacama Region, Chile
8.7 x 6. x 4.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $220
Post Tucson 2022
A large, very rich and complex specimen loaded with secondary species and a feast for the eyes under the microscope. The dominant specie is the Aurichalcite seen on almost every surface of the specimen, but sizable areas of Murdochite are also easily noted. The Murdochite is in tiny crystals on dark botryoids. Other species are noted including Caledonite and what seems to be Zincolibethenite but that is not confirmed. Some blue green rhomb crystals are also noted that may be Aurichalcite on or in Calcite. The piece looks fine as a display item or could be made into dozens or maybe hundreds of Micromounts. An unusually well mineralized specimen from the noted Mina dos Adrianas in Chile.