Kutnohorite with Aragonite in Geode
Levane, Bucine, Arezzo Province
Tuscany, Italy
4.7 x 4.4 x 2 CM larger half (miniature)
price: $380
Fall 22
A complete Geode of Carbonate rock filled with colorless Selenite needles and brown to pinkish spheres of Kutnahorite. In perfect condition, this is from an very unusual occurrence and is a very attractive presentation of Kutnahorite unlike any others we know of. This specie is a fairly uncommon Manganese Carbonate, but it can take many forms and habits. It is best known as good display specimens from the Kalahari Manganese Fields, from most other localities these are quite drab. This deposit has a very different style and esthetic, the better specimens like this are quite attractive and unusual. This specimen is especially rich for this locality with balls of Kutnahorite to well over 1 cm both pink and brown in color.

Kutnohorite with Aragonite in Geode
Levane, Bucine, Arezzo Province
Tuscany, Italy
4.7 x 4.4 x 2 CM larger half (miniature)
price: $380
Fall 22
A complete Geode of Carbonate rock filled with colorless Selenite needles and brown to pinkish spheres of Kutnahorite. In perfect condition, this is from an very unusual occurrence and is a very attractive presentation of Kutnahorite unlike any others we know of. This specie is a fairly uncommon Manganese Carbonate, but it can take many forms and habits. It is best known as good display specimens from the Kalahari Manganese Fields, from most other localities these are quite drab. This deposit has a very different style and esthetic, the better specimens like this are quite attractive and unusual. This specimen is especially rich for this locality with balls of Kutnahorite to well over 1 cm both pink and brown in color.