Vanadinite var. Endlichite
Ahumada Mine, Los Lamentos
Chihuahua, Mexico
7.7 x 6.3 3.4 CM (cabinet)
price: $350
Fall 22
From this famed Mexican classic locality better known for fine Wulfenites, there were also some excellent Vanadinites. The Arsenian variety Endlichite was predominent and some of the best were found in the 1960 era. These are almost never seen on the market anymore in any quality. This piece is from that time and very esthetic. Ex Immer Cook collection. This is well-defined, with perfect elongated crystals covering a large face of the matrix. The crystals are barrel shaped and many have hoppered terminations with central canals or holes going quite deep into the prisms. In fine condition and very three dimensional in person, a nice classic Mexican specimen.
Vanadinite var. Endlichite
Ahumada Mine, Los Lamentos
Chihuahua, Mexico
7.7 x 6.3 3.4 CM (cabinet)
price: $350
Fall 22
From this famed Mexican classic locality better known for fine Wulfenites, there were also some excellent Vanadinites. The Arsenian variety Endlichite was predominent and some of the best were found in the 1960 era. These are almost never seen on the market anymore in any quality. This piece is from that time and very esthetic. Ex Immer Cook collection. This is well-defined, with perfect elongated crystals covering a large face of the matrix. The crystals are barrel shaped and many have hoppered terminations with central canals or holes going quite deep into the prisms. In fine condition and very three dimensional in person, a nice classic Mexican specimen.