Siderite and Quartz - French classic
Allevard, Grenoble, Isère
Rhone-Alpes, France
11.3 x 8.4 x 6.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $1750
Spring 23
Large and fine crystals of translucent greenish-brown Siderite sprinkled with glass clear Quartz crystals. A European classic in excellent condition. This is a super quality older specimen formerly in the collections of Charles Noll, Jimmie DuFoe and the Seaman Museum. It seems to have come from other older collections, it has a painted collection number and an antique museum type drilled mounting hole on the backside. A very choice display grade piece with crystals over 4.4 CM in outstanding condition. Allevard is an ancient mining area (dating back to the 1500's) it was once the greatest source of world-class Siderites and is one of the great French classic locales. This specimen shows that quality well.
Siderite and Quartz - French classic
Allevard, Grenoble, Isère
Rhone-Alpes, France
11.3 x 8.4 x 6.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $1750
Spring 23
Large and fine crystals of translucent greenish-brown Siderite sprinkled with glass clear Quartz crystals. A European classic in excellent condition. This is a super quality older specimen formerly in the collections of Charles Noll, Jimmie DuFoe and the Seaman Museum. It seems to have come from other older collections, it has a painted collection number and an antique museum type drilled mounting hole on the backside. A very choice display grade piece with crystals over 4.4 CM in outstanding condition. Allevard is an ancient mining area (dating back to the 1500's) it was once the greatest source of world-class Siderites and is one of the great French classic locales. This specimen shows that quality well.