Grossular with Heazlewoodite, Clinoclore and Gold!
Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos (now Val-des-Sources, Estrie,
Quebec, Canada
5.3 x 3 x 3 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $1500
Pre Tucson
An important and exotic piece from Jeffrey Mine, this has the deep green gemmy Grossular (so called Chrome Grossular) scattered on a matrix of Clinochlore etc. This alone is not so exotic or important, but both Heazlewoodite and native Gold are. While this is an attractive specimen of brilliant Garnets, the main interest (for some) is several very well-formed, sharp tiny crystals and clusters of Heazelwoodite. Seen with magnification these are textbook sharp, of course this is a rare mineral worldwide and very rare at Jeffrey. But what makes this even more important is only seen starting at 40 X magnification and best revealed at 80-100x. There are several tiny but distinct crystals of Gold some of which are elongated. Of course this is all micro sized but super-rare and impossible to find material from this world-class locality. Aside from the exciting micros, the overall esthetics of the bright green Grossular is attractive in its own right. Unfortunately our photographs at very low magnifications can not show the micros properly, but they may be rephotographed later on with specialized gear.
Grossular with Heazlewoodite, Clinoclore and Gold!
Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos (now Val-des-Sources, Estrie,
Quebec, Canada
5.3 x 3 x 3 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $1500
Pre Tucson
An important and exotic piece from Jeffrey Mine, this has the deep green gemmy Grossular (so called Chrome Grossular) scattered on a matrix of Clinochlore etc. This alone is not so exotic or important, but both Heazlewoodite and native Gold are. While this is an attractive specimen of brilliant Garnets, the main interest (for some) is several very well-formed, sharp tiny crystals and clusters of Heazelwoodite. Seen with magnification these are textbook sharp, of course this is a rare mineral worldwide and very rare at Jeffrey. But what makes this even more important is only seen starting at 40 X magnification and best revealed at 80-100x. There are several tiny but distinct crystals of Gold some of which are elongated. Of course this is all micro sized but super-rare and impossible to find material from this world-class locality. Aside from the exciting micros, the overall esthetics of the bright green Grossular is attractive in its own right. Unfortunately our photographs at very low magnifications can not show the micros properly, but they may be rephotographed later on with specialized gear.