Siderite on Arsenopyrite with Quartz
Nandan, Hechi Prefecture
Guangxi Province, China
8.3 x 6.1 x 4.6 CM (cabinet)
price: $170
Pre Tucson
An unusual and very attractive Siderite from the last finds at the closed mines of Nandan (China). Ex Shields Flynn collection, the Siderites are especially bright and sprinkled on most faces with tiny sparkling Quartz crystals. The Arsenopyrite is also sharp, undamaged and has mirror bright metallic luster. These Siderites are noticeably different from this locality to the more recent find in Inner Mongolia and elsewhere. These crystals average 1-1.5 CM and have a honey yellow to orange hue.

Siderite on Arsenopyrite with Quartz
Nandan, Hechi Prefecture
Guangxi Province, China
8.3 x 6.1 x 4.6 CM (cabinet)
price: $170
Pre Tucson
An unusual and very attractive Siderite from the last finds at the closed mines of Nandan (China). Ex Shields Flynn collection, the Siderites are especially bright and sprinkled on most faces with tiny sparkling Quartz crystals. The Arsenopyrite is also sharp, undamaged and has mirror bright metallic luster. These Siderites are noticeably different from this locality to the more recent find in Inner Mongolia and elsewhere. These crystals average 1-1.5 CM and have a honey yellow to orange hue.