








Schizolite with Kupletskite and Calcioancylite etc.
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Monteregie
Quebec, Canada
6.8 x 3.4 x 2.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $390

An outstanding assemblage of well-crystalized uncommon minerals from the famed Mt St. Hilaire. The large pink Schizolite crystals are slightly radiating and reach over 5 CM. Schiziolite from this locality had been misidentified for decades as Serandite, which also is found there. The Kupletskite is in two forms thin blades in sprays and larger more blocky crystals. The Calcioancylite is less noticeable in very tiny white crystals. Attractive and uncommon species are well-presented in this well-crystalized Alkaline assemblage.

Schizolite with Kupletskite and Calcioancylite etc.
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Monteregie
Quebec, Canada
6.8 x 3.4 x 2.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $390

An outstanding assemblage of well-crystalized uncommon minerals from the famed Mt St. Hilaire. The large pink Schizolite crystals are slightly radiating and reach over 5 CM. Schiziolite from this locality had been misidentified for decades as Serandite, which also is found there. The Kupletskite is in two forms thin blades in sprays and larger more blocky crystals. The Calcioancylite is less noticeable in very tiny white crystals. Attractive and uncommon species are well-presented in this well-crystalized Alkaline assemblage.