








Green Anglesite - classic Cuprian Anglesite
Montevecchio Mines, Medio Camcampidano Province
Sardinia, Italy
6.8 x 5.6 x 3.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $340

A classic old Sardinian specimen and highly sought after bright green Anglesites on typical matrix. There are several green crystals of Anglesite on this specimen, largest 1.7 CM, but sadly most have noticeable damage, only some small ones in vugs are in good shape. Despite the damage the color is good, it is very hard to find any such specimens. The Anglesites are fluorescent yellow and the matrix exterior is a botryoidal Gossan with a core of altered Galena hosting the Anglesites. Montevechio is an ancient mine worked even before the middle ages. Green Anglesites were found long ago and are something of a holy grail for many. The damage here is heart breaking but makes this a very affordable example of this rare Lead secondary. With more perfect crystals this would easily be a mid 4 figures specimen.

Green Anglesite - classic Cuprian Anglesite
Montevecchio Mines, Medio Camcampidano Province
Sardinia, Italy
6.8 x 5.6 x 3.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $340

A classic old Sardinian specimen and highly sought after bright green Anglesites on typical matrix. There are several green crystals of Anglesite on this specimen, largest 1.7 CM, but sadly most have noticeable damage, only some small ones in vugs are in good shape. Despite the damage the color is good, it is very hard to find any such specimens. The Anglesites are fluorescent yellow and the matrix exterior is a botryoidal Gossan with a core of altered Galena hosting the Anglesites. Montevechio is an ancient mine worked even before the middle ages. Green Anglesites were found long ago and are something of a holy grail for many. The damage here is heart breaking but makes this a very affordable example of this rare Lead secondary. With more perfect crystals this would easily be a mid 4 figures specimen.