








Rhodochrosite with Acanthite, Native Silver, Sphalerite , Chalcopyrite etc.
Wutong Mine, Liubao, Cangwu Co. Wuzoh Pref.
Guangxi Province, China
6.8 x 3.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $500

A great multi specie Rhodochrosite and Silver piece that has lots to look at! The Rhodo rhomb is 1.6 CM in size, sharp with rich red color. It is resting on a mass of crystallized Sulfide minerals, Sphalerite and Acanthite being the main ones and has native Silver in wires and curling clusters scattered. The rare associations are well presented, few Wudong area Rhodos have Silver associated, and few of those are esthetic.

Rhodochrosite with Acanthite, Native Silver, Sphalerite , Chalcopyrite etc.
Wutong Mine, Liubao, Cangwu Co. Wuzoh Pref.
Guangxi Province, China
6.8 x 3.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $500

A great multi specie Rhodochrosite and Silver piece that has lots to look at! The Rhodo rhomb is 1.6 CM in size, sharp with rich red color. It is resting on a mass of crystallized Sulfide minerals, Sphalerite and Acanthite being the main ones and has native Silver in wires and curling clusters scattered. The rare associations are well presented, few Wudong area Rhodos have Silver associated, and few of those are esthetic.