








Grossular (Raspberry Garnet)
Lago de Jaco,Sierra de la Cruz, Municipio de Mojada
Coahuila, Mexico
6.6 x 4.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $340

From 2009 mining at this classic Mexican location, this is a far better than average example of this rare garnet variant. The main crystal here is 2.3 CM across, very lustrous, dark raspberry-red and in pristine condition. This is quite sizable for the locality and has been carefully exposed so it sits well on the matrix. Some minor crystals have typical damage that shows the dark core of the garnets. Since 1920 these garnets have sporadically been available but good ones have always been rare.

Grossular (Raspberry Garnet)
Lago de Jaco,Sierra de la Cruz, Municipio de Mojada
Coahuila, Mexico
6.6 x 4.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $340

From 2009 mining at this classic Mexican location, this is a far better than average example of this rare garnet variant. The main crystal here is 2.3 CM across, very lustrous, dark raspberry-red and in pristine condition. This is quite sizable for the locality and has been carefully exposed so it sits well on the matrix. Some minor crystals have typical damage that shows the dark core of the garnets. Since 1920 these garnets have sporadically been available but good ones have always been rare.