Mimetite var. Campylite (rare chain crystal)
Dry Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells
Cumbria, England
4.1 x 2.6 CM (miniature)
price: $380
A rare variation of the classic British Campylite from Dry Gill, this small, esthetic piece features a curved chain of Mimetite crystals. Lustrous and in excellent condition damage-wise, the chain has a central hollow canal running its length. The matrix also hosts small botryoidal crystals of yellow, green and orange Mimetite. A fine small miniature!
Mimetite var. Campylite (rare chain crystal)
Dry Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells
Cumbria, England
4.1 x 2.6 CM (miniature)
price: $380
A rare variation of the classic British Campylite from Dry Gill, this small, esthetic piece features a curved chain of Mimetite crystals. Lustrous and in excellent condition damage-wise, the chain has a central hollow canal running its length. The matrix also hosts small botryoidal crystals of yellow, green and orange Mimetite. A fine small miniature!