Multi-specie thumbnail from Mont Saint-Hilaire with a small blocky habit Serandite perched on top. The Serandite has a good orange color and is nicely set on a rosette of Polylithonite. This is a late 1960's vintage specimen.
Grossular - gemmy crystals
stock #AX-24-264
Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos (now Val-des-Sources, Estrie,
3.7 x 3.1 x 1.2 CM (miniature)
price: $370
new year 2021
Gem clear Grossular Garnets with the deep orange color that is most desired from this iconic locale. The Jeffrey mine Garnets were found in many different styles, habits and colors, they are regarded as among the greatest examples of the specie worldwide. This piece is in fine condition overall with glassy luster and less striations on faces than we usually see. The crystals are perfectly transparent, the matrix can be seen through them. Most of the crystals are clustered or touching each other on edges which is usually considered to be crowding but these do show good independent development and are not as jammed together as is often the case. A very pretty and affordable miniature gem Garnet specimen.
Barite (Baryte)
stock #0625-JM-2848
Rock Candy Mine, Grand Forks, Greenwood Mining Division
British Colombia,
10.6 x 7.5 x 5.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $390
new year 2021
Sharp transparent Barite crystals rising like a chain of mountains above a sparkling landscape of tiny Barite crystals. Bright yellow-orange color with fine luster from the finds several decades ago at the Rock Candy Mine, British Colombia, Canada. Attractive cabinet sized specimen from the collection of John Marshall (his label is included). Close exam shows a few small rough edges on some crystals but most are quite perfect and sharp. For such a delicate, fragile mineral this is in amazing condition. An excellent example from this locale and a nice Barite from any place.
Serandite on Albite
stock #AX-27-095
Poudrette Quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire
2.5 x 1.9 x 1.2 CM (thumbnail)
price: $90
new year 2021
A thumbnail specimen with perfect, lustrous Serandite crystals scattered on a Albite matrix. These are true Serandites and not Schiziolite which was for many years confused and mislabeled. Excellent color, translucent to slightly transparent and in fine condition, these Serandites are tiny but choice from the classic Poudrette Quarry at Mt. St.-Hilaire.
Grossular - gem clear, with Diopside inclusions
stock #20.1-307-(LW461)
Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos (now Val-des-Sources, Estrie,
1.6 x 1.4 x 1.3 CM (thumbnail)
price: $450
new year 2021
Grossular from Jeffrey Mine that is transparent, has fine orange color and has several slender crystals of Diopside seen inside the Garnet. Aside from some very small contacts and rough edges this is in fine condition. The luster is glass-like and this crystal has very few striations on the large faces which makes it easy to see through these windows into the crystal. Ex Larry White thumbnail collection, he obtained this in the early 80's when the mine was still active and great things were being found.
Vesuvianite - Classic locale, complex crystal
stock #AX-22-088
Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos (now Val-des-Sources, Estrie,
3 x 1.7 x 1.4 CM (small miniature/ large thumbnail (toenail))
price: $360
A vividly colored, complete, doubly terminated crystal (a "floater") with no matrix. From the Jeffrey Mine which is the only locality that ever produced such colorful Vesuvianite. Highly lustrous in person the crystal has is mostly a mix of green hues from dark to lighter yellowish and has one spot of purple. In fine condition, the faces on this are multi stepped and quite a bit more complex than most crystals from this famed locale. The mine has been closed for years but the heritage of its minerals is world renowned. Choice
stock #20.1-102
Rapid Creek, Dawson Mining District
Yukon Territory,
4.6 x 3.2 x2.3 CM (miniature)
price: $480
Spring 2020
Superb, larger sized Augelite crystals of top quality in an esthetic cluster. Killer condition (no damage) and with the largest crystal 1.6 CM. Augelite is a rather rare Phosphate only found in such fine crystals like this from two localities worldwide. This specimen is exceptional for the Rapid Creek finds and has fine zoning, sharp, lustrous faces, nice color and some gemmy areas. This remote area of the Yukon has been a world class source of fine Phosphate specimens. The Augelites from here are distinctly different from the the newer finds at Mundo Nuevo (Peru).
Grossular - gemmy crystals
stock #18.1-763
Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos (now Val-des-Sources, Estrie,
3.1 x 2.1 1.3 CM (small miniature/ large thumbnail (toenail))
price: $280
Spring 2020
A cluster or stack of very lustrous Garnets with the classic color and form that made the Jeffrey Mine world famous. This is the flattened type of cluster with no matrix, it is entirely contacted on the back as was the case with this style, fully translucent and mostly transparent. This type of specimen was sometimes used as a sort of natural jewelry, mounted or wire wrapped as is or with the back ground flat. A very good value these Garnets show characteristic striations and growth hillocks. A fine modern classic from a source that will never again produce anything.