Cubanite-large twinned crystals
stock #AX-24-530
Henderson Mine, Chibougamou
3.4 x 1.7 x 1.4 CM (miniature)
price: $2450
Unusually large, sharp lustrous and very well defined Cubanite. Although Cubanite has been found at several locales in the world, the only source of fine crystals was the Henderson Mine, now long closed. There will never be any more of these which are by far the worlds best Cubanites. This specimen has a super dispaly face with very sharp striations and clear twinning. Some contacting on the back but the front displays very well. Specimens of this quality can only be had from old collections being recycled, and this size is almost never seen.
Diopside -single crystal
stock #AX-16-548
Orford Nickel Mine, St-Denis-de-Brompton, Estrie
5 x 1.6 x .8 CM (miniature)
price: $230
Exceptional, perfect, partly gemmy and with glassy luster this is a great Orford Diopside. There were larger crystals found years ago but few were so well defined. This has the desirable honey yellow color and looks better in person. A modern classic with top quality, perfectly undamaged and looks fine from every angle.
Vesuvianite -gem clear
stock #AX-16-514
Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos (now Val-des-Sources, Estrie,
2.2 x 1.6 x .8 CM (thumbnail)
price: $340
Thumbnail of Gem Vesuvianite that has an unusual side crystal. On this a slender off shoot crystal juts out at an angle. It is not so unusual to see very tiny crystals encrusting the sides of Vesuvianites but this sort of prismatic crystal is very rare. in fine condition as seen, no damage or chipping, a clean prismatic contact is on the back side of the main crystal. The Jeffrey mine at one time produced many good Vesuvianites, but very fine pieces were always rare, and now there are no more of any quality.
Vesuvianite -2 generations
stock #AX-24-172
Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos (now Val-des-Sources, Estrie,
3.1 x 2.6 x 1.5 CM (small miniature/ large thumbnail (toenail))
price: $550
A killer for the size, this is a perfect 360 degree undamaged specimen of bright and colorful Vesuvianite. The main crystal is an intergrown cluster of striated green prisms that are all sharing the same termination. This is perched on some smaller green crystals which are partly coated with smaller light purple-violet Vesuvianites. These are also very lustrous and have lots of sparkle. Vesuvianites from the Jeffrey Mine are by far the most colorful and attractive of the specie. They are also wonderfully diverse and this one is quite unusual as well as a fine display piece.
Apatite- gem clear in Calcite
stock #19.1-290
Liscombe Deposit, Monmputh, Haliburton County
3.2 x 2.4 x 1.4 CM (thumbnail)
price: $330
A killer thumbnail from the Liscombe Deposit in Ontario, Canada which in the seventies produced a few exceptional gem Apatites. Some of the best were in a contrasting light pink Calcite. This is a small, perfect example, doubly terminated (the terminations are typically a little rounded as seen) and fully transparent. The faces have a bright glassy luster and the color is vibrant. This does fit in a thumbnail box and is in perfect condition, unrepaired and better in person.
Prehnite -very well crystallized
stock #AX-24-496
Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos (now Val-des-Sources, Estrie,
3.6 x 2.8 x 2.1 CM (miniature)
price: $480
Unusually sharp and transparent crystals of Prehnite in an esthetic cluster. The crystals are in fine undamaged condition and this specimen has a lot of display impact. The Jeffrey mine is famed for its Garnets and Vesuvianite but the Prehnites found here were world class and of incredible variety. This is an excellent example showing the elongated blocky form with a delicate light green hue. Even though Prehnite is not a rare mineral and is found worldwide, good sharp crystals are rare and these from the Jeffrey are unique. Not found for some years, these are modern classics and no others from elsewhere have this look and habit.
Serandite w. Aegerine etc
stock #19.1-293
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Monteregie
3.6 x 1 x .8 CM (miniature)
price: $330
Spring 2019
A fine single prism of orange- pink Serandite crystal that presents an elongated blocky prismatic form. In exceptional undamaged condition this was collected more than 35 years ago. Recently it has been determined that some of the Serandites from St Hillaire are in fact Schizolite a misidentification that applies to many recent pieces. This piece is not one of those but is a real Serandite.
stock #AX-32-089
Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos (now Val-des-Sources, Estrie,
2.3 x 1.2 x .8 CM (thumbnail)
price: $250
Spring 2019
A sharply terminated bi-color crystal of glassy Vesuvianite from the great Jeffrey Mine. Gemmy in some areas this grades from a light pink-violet hue to a green top. No damage and a good, affordable Vesuvianite with classic form.