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17 specimens listed
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Smoky Quartz Gwindel
stock #23.1=292-DK
Val Giuv, Tujetsch, Surselva Region
Grischun (Grisons), Switzerland
4.3 x 4.4 x 2.7 CM (miniature)
price: $700

A complete Gwindel that is transparent and has a deep red-brown color. In fine condition as seen, the Quartz has a very well-defined twist and displays well from any side. Excellent lustre and form. Larger Quartz than this miniature are currently vey costly, this is a choice smaller example at a much more affordable price.

Breunnerite - (Fe bearing Magnesite)
stock #AX-35-102
Muhlebach, Ernen, Goms
Wallis, Switzerland
4.3 x 3 x 2.1 CM (miniature)
price: $220
Pre Tucson

Something quite unusual. Breunnerite is a variety of Magnesite that was for almost 2 centuries considered to be an accepted mineral specie. This is now classified as a Magnesite variety but with a high Iron ratio and Mg dominant. No matter the classification, these are huge crystals for this variety, up to 2.8 CM and these contrast well with the greenish Talc matrix. The best of this material is found in European Alpine regions, as was this specimen. The crystals also show zoning and look much more like Siderite than Magnesite, and are partially translucent. Not often seen at all in the mineral market here, this is an especially well-crystallized specimen.

Adularia with Apatite, Chlorite etc
stock #21.1-261
Mutt Glacier, Gletsch, Oberwald, Obergoms, Goms
Valais, Switzerland
11.3 x 5.6 x 5.1 CM (cabinet)
price: $880
Spring 23

Textbook perfect Adularia crystal dominates a matrix plate of smaller Adularia crystals and tiny Apatites. Most of the smallest crystals are also gemmy. The Adularia crystals are either included by or coated with Chlorite, and have a nice green color. The large crystal is an impressive 6.3 CM and shows the form perfectly. Crystals range from transparent to translucent and these are all in undamaged condition, well-formed and complete. From the Swiss Alps, a classic combination and unusually well presented.

Clinochlore and Adularia, Xenotime -Y, Rutile etc.
stock #20-FC-006-(9885)
Fieud Alp, Fontana, Central St Gotthard Massif, Leventina
Ticino, Switzerland
9.3 x 6.3 x 6.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $1450
New Year 22

Clinochlore is not often seen as a display quality specie, it is usually a minor associate or coating of other minerals. Here the Clinochlore crystals are sizable, well-defined and lustrous. The prismatic and sheaf-like crystals are unlike the more normal flat micaceous forms. The dark green crystals contrast well with the transparent to translucent white Adularia. Some micro species are noted in spaces between large crystals, most noticeable are gemmy Xenotime-Y with a yellow to orange color. A few spots of bright red Rutile crystals are also seen with magnification. Ex. Eric Asselborn collection, (France), this is a superb older Alpine specimen and exceptional for the specie, locality and habit.

Pericline (Albite), Calcite and Rutile - classic locale
stock #20.1-298
Simplon Railway Tunnel, Termen, Brig
Valais, Switzerland
6.4 x 3.8 x 2.5 CM (cabinet)
price: $330
new year 2021

A classic old Simplon Tunnel specimen from Valais (Swiss ) that is very well-crystallized. This piece dates to the period of 1898-1921, and these old pieces are very rare in any quality. The areas between the white Pericline crystals are lined with Rutile in reticulated masses. The Calcite crystals are sharp transparent scalenohedra which are also fluorescent orange in long-wave. One old label is included. In excellent condition with no visible damage, the Pericline has textbook perfect form.

Pink Fluorite, Epidote, Adularia, Chlorite, Quartz etc.
stock #AX-10-864
Val Cristallina (Cristallina Valley)
Grischun (Grisons), Switzerland
15.7 x 9.3 x 4.9 CM (cabinet /museum)
price: $520

A large, colorful Swiss alpine specimen featuring several well-crystallized species in scattered clusters. The centerpiece is the pink octahedral Fluorites many of which are gem clear. In addition, there are a few small colorless Fluorites and a few areas of dark nearly black Fluorite which is coated by and included with Chlorite. The specimen is also multi-colored fluorescent and amazing when examined under good magnification. Gem clear Quartz crystals show typical alpine habits and sharp transparent Epidote and Adularia crystals add contrast. Very pretty in person this looks even better as you look closer.

Adularia with Chlorite
stock #6.2-916
St Gotthard, Central St. Gotthard Massif, Leventina
Ticino, Switzerland
8.7 x 6.4 x 3 CM (cabinet)
price: $330
Spring 2020

Fine Swiss Adularia crystals up to 2.4 CM with green zoned inclusions of Chlorite are well presented on the matrix. From the type locality (St Gotthard) Most of these crystals have a slight dusting of Chlorite on the outside as well but the majority of the faces are glassy and transparent. Very pleasing esthtetics from almost any angle this is a choice and showy specimen of a usually unimpressive specie. No damage which is incredible for a piece with this complexity. Excellent Alpine classic that shows the textbook monoclinc form perfectly.

Hematite with Rutile
stock #20.1-164
Cavradi gorge, Tujetsch, Surselva Region
Graubunden, Switzerland
3 x 1.7 x 1.4 CM (thumbnail)
price: $140
Spring 2020

Swiss Hematite with very well formed blades standing on minimal matrix. A close exam shows some tiny but brilliant red Rutile crystals on some faces. A nicely composed thumbnail (or toenail) that looks good from both sides. In excellent condition, a very lustrous and classic Alpine specimen. This specimen was originally labeled as from St Gotthard, but we are assured this habit with the epitaxial Rutile is unquestionably from Cavradi and is distinctive for the Cavradi Gorge.