An exceptional Swiss alpine specimen of perfect curved rhombs in an esthetic stack. From a less well known locality at the Gauli Glacier in the Bernese alps. This zone is not well known for minerals but as the large glacier has been retreating some things have come to light. Recently (August of 2018) a heatwave uncovered a WW2 vintage US aircraft that is the second such wreck uncovered on Gauli. This Siderite is elegantly formed with a few small quartz and Rutile crystals as minor accessories. In exceptional condition and very eyecatching, this is a super Siderite from anyplace but especially choice and rare in such perfection from the Alps.
A super esthetic stack of perfect Adularia crystals in epitaxial arrangement hosting gem clear Titanites. Some selective coating of Chlorite on crystal faces of the Adulariaadds some contrast as well. This is a 360 degree piece it looks fine on all sides and has a strong esthetic arrangement. The main Titanite is 8mm perfect, gem clear flat prism with bright luster. A few tiny Quartz crystals are mixed into the matrix as well, overall a super fine arrangement of Alpine species.
Prehnite crystals -Vintage Swiss
stock #16.1-168
Muotta Naira, Piz Lai BlauNalps Valley, Tujetsch, Vorderrhein
Grischun (Grisons),
11.3 x 6.4 x 2.6 CM (cabinet)
price: $375
Spring update
A matrix plate with clear light green Prehnite crystals to 1.4 CM scattered with smaller Prehnites and some tiny Epidote and Byssolite. Classic specimen, ex Charles Noll collection and a much older label from an unknown collection. In fine condition overall, the main crystals are pristine. Some crystals are also on the underside but the view shown is the logical display face.
Fluorite, pink single crystal
stock #AX-20-079
Planggenstock, Goscheneralp, Goschenen Valley
Canton Uri,
2.1 x 1.8 x 1.4 CM (thumbnail)
price: $290
new june 17
Alpine pink Fluorite with a slight zoning, frosted faces and classic habit. Mounted on a turned wooden spindle this is a nice thumbnail that wont break the bank. Not perfect, there is contacting and cleaving on the underside so this is really about the top half of the octahedron, which is the logical display side. As a result the price is far less than usual for a nice Swiss Fluorite. Excellent value
An old Swiss classic Alpine specimen. Complexly structured matrix hosts several minerals in layers with gemmy green Titanites on the top. Beds of Byssolite needles have well-crystallized Adularia protruding and micro sprays of Apatite throughout. This displays the complex nature of mineralization in Alpine clefts very well. The Titanites crystals are up to 1 cm though most are smaller. Ex Charles M. Noll and Jim Dufoe collections.
Prehnite (classic alpine crystal habit )
stock #14.1-194
Cavradi gorge, Tujetsch, Surselva Region
Grischun (Grisons),
3.2 x 2.4 x 2.2 CM (thumbnail)
price: $240
pre Tucson 2015 update
A very distinctive thumbnail with excellent crystal form that is typical of fine alpine Prehnite. Ex. Wendy Melanson's great thumbnail collection, her locale lists Cavradi Gorge Tavetsch, however it is likely that this came from Tavetsch but maybe not in Cavradi itself, but it right for that area. No matter what this is an elegant piece showing well crystallized colorless "pinwheel" forms in an attractive 3 dimensional arrangement. No damage, great luster.
Fluorite (pink and clear) on Quartz
stock #13.1-404
Val Cristallina (Cristallina Valley)
Grischun (Grisons),
4.6 x 3.4 x 1.5 CM (miniature)
price: $450
Spring 2014
A rare old piece (pre-war) from a classic Alpine cleft locale, this is rather different from more recent finds. The matrix is a series of parallel quartz crystals covered with a druse of sparkling clear Flourite octahedra that are included by greenish Chlorite. There are six bigger pale pink Fluorites scattered on the face, the largest 1.4 CM. Undamaged by naked eye, even at 20x magnification there is almost no damage to find. A relatively affordable and rather different Alpine Fluorite specimen.
Adularia (manebach twin)
stock #6.3-915
Cavradi gorge, Tujetsch, Surselva Region
Grischun (Grisons),
10.9 x 4.1 CM (cabinet)
price: $250
A wonderfully esthetic example of Swiss Adularia, a well defined Manebach twin set on a slender shard of matrix. Excellent condition, sawn on the back to remove this without damage. You don't need to be a Feldspar collector to appreciate the setting of this twin!