Wulfenite covered by Quartz with Hemimorphite
stock #AX-19-067
Finch Mine AKA Barking Spider Mine, Keystone Gulch, Chilito, Hayden area
United States
6.3 x 3.7 x 3 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $120
Fall 22
One of Arizona’s most distinctive Wulfenite localities, the Finch Mine, (also called the Barking Spider Mine), produces this type of epimorph. The Wulfenite here is encased in druzy Quartz crystals but the color of the orange crystals below is seen through the colorless Quartz. A sprinkle of Hemimorphite is noted but the main focus is the tabular Wulfenites on contrasting vuggy Quartz matrix.