Paravauxite and Wavellite on Quartz
stock #20.FC-007-(9086)
Siglo XX mine, Llallagua, Bustillos Province
10.4 x 7.3 x 4.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $1450
Early summer 2021
A superb large cabinet specimen of very fine aesthetic composition. A plate of Quartz crystals are entirely encrusted with tiny sparkling prisms of clear Paravauxite and a few scattered balls of Wavellite. In fantastic condition as seen, this is a very rich specimen of these two Phosphates and has a subtle creamy yellow to greenish tint best seen in person. The balls of Wavellite reach 1.5 CM and are composed of creamy radiating crystals with a pearly luster. The Paravauxite crystals are more equant prisms than the typical flat habit, the luster and transparency is excellent. Though those crystals are small the overall display impact and three dimensional architecture is superb for the specie.