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8 specimens listed
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Siderite on Arsenopyrite with Quartz
stock #AX-15-254-(C180)
Nandan, Hechi Prefecture
Guangxi Province, China
8.3 x 6.1 x 4.6 CM (cabinet)
price: $170
Pre Tucson

An unusual and very attractive Siderite from the last finds at the closed mines of Nandan (China). Ex Shields Flynn collection, the Siderites are especially bright and sprinkled on most faces with tiny sparkling Quartz crystals. The Arsenopyrite is also sharp, undamaged and has mirror bright metallic luster. These Siderites are noticeably different from this locality to the more recent find in Inner Mongolia and elsewhere. These crystals average 1-1.5 CM and have a honey yellow to orange hue.

Siderite and Quartz - French classic
stock #16.1-211
Allevard, Grenoble, Isère
Rhone-Alpes, France
11.3 x 8.4 x 6.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $1750
Spring 23

Large and fine crystals of translucent greenish-brown Siderite sprinkled with glass clear Quartz crystals. A European classic in excellent condition. This is a super quality older specimen formerly in the collections of Charles Noll, Jimmie DuFoe and the Seaman Museum. It seems to have come from other older collections, it has a painted collection number and an antique museum type drilled mounting hole on the backside. A very choice display grade piece with crystals over 4.4 CM in outstanding condition. Allevard is an ancient mining area (dating back to the 1500's) it was once the greatest source of world-class Siderites and is one of the great French classic locales. This specimen shows that quality well.

Siderite with Pyrite -classic German locale
stock #13.1-114
Himmelsfurst Mine, Brand Erbisdorf, Freiberg district, Erzgebirge
Saxony, Germany
7.7 x 5.2 x 5 CM (cabinet)
price: $90
Fall 22

A three dimensional specimen with several fingers and crevices coated with small Siderite crystals which are in turn coated with small Pyrite crystals. From the famed and ancient Freiburg mining district, a very good representative Gangue specimen.

SOLD Siderite - gemmy crystals
stock #SOLD 21.1-266-(B9)
Morro Velha Mine, Nova Lima, Iron Quadrangle
Minas Gerais, Brazil
6.1 x 4.3 x 3.1 CM (cabinet)
price: $0
Early summer 2021

Cluster of transparent to translucent Siderite crystals with stepped and modified Rhomb forms dominating. With backlighting this glows a deep honey-yellow color and is quite lustrous. In good shape overall there are some rough spots but none are major. The Siderite from this locale is some of the best in the world. The largest flattened rhomb on this piece is 3.1 CM across, and has sharply stepped faces.

Siderite on Fluorite with Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite etc.
stock #AX-15-205
Yaogangxian Mine, Yizhang County, Chenzhou Pref.
Hunan Province, China
6.3 x 4.8 x 3.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $380
new year 2021

A fine Yaogangxian multi-specie specimen hosting a prominent Siderite crystal perched on sparkling purple Fluorites. In excellent condition, we do not see much good Siderite from this famed locale that is better known for world class Fluorites and Sulfides. There are small crystals of several other species present as well as is typical from this locality, a comprehensive label can get quite long! Ex Shields and Frances Flynn collection, an excellent example of the specie from this iconic locale.

Siderite -curved epitaxial group
stock #18.1-442
Gauli Glacier
Bern, Switzerland
5.7 x 4 x 2.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $550

An exceptional Swiss alpine specimen of perfect curved rhombs in an esthetic stack. From a less well known locality at the Gauli Glacier in the Bernese alps. This zone is not well known for minerals but as the large glacier has been retreating some things have come to light. Recently (August of 2018) a heatwave uncovered a WW2 vintage US aircraft that is the second such wreck uncovered on Gauli. This Siderite is elegantly formed with a few small quartz and Rutile crystals as minor accessories. In exceptional condition and very eyecatching, this is a super Siderite from anyplace but especially choice and rare in such perfection from the Alps.

Siderite (huge Crystal) with Albite
stock #18.1-361
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Monteregie
Quebec, Canada
10.6 x 9.7 x 5.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $4800
Late Summer 2018

A monster! The main crystal is as large as these have ever been found, and one of the best. The big crystal measured on the edge is 7.5 CM and on the diagonal is 9.8 CM across. Very impressive, this piece is one of the top three of the giant St Hillaire Siderites, and outstanding for the specie world wide. Sharp and fairly lustrous as well, the honey brown color has yellow highlights and is translucent. The matrix is the sort of elongated Albite crystals that look a lot like Natrolite. Ex Hitchings collection, obtained in 1967 the early part of the "golden years" at St Hillaire. In fine condition there is a contact on the backside but no damage. Even the smaller crystals in the cluster here would be choice specimens alone but they add a nice esthetic touch to the whole piece.

Siderite pseudo after Calcite with Galena, Quartz
stock #0157-JM-4298
Turt Mine (Ghezuri Mine)
Maramures, Romania
8 x 6.6 x 4.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $600

A superb example of this very special find with a sharp, sparkling rhomb of Siderite (3.4 CM) perched perfectly on a mix of Quartz, Chalcopyrite, Galena etc. In perfect condition with nice architecture and contrast, this displays very well from every angle. Ex John Marshall collection, these were never common and have been very hard to find now for many years.