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35 specimens listed
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Sphalerite -gemmy prismatic
stock #18.1-275
ZCA Mine number 4, Balmat, Balmat-Edwards District, St. Lawrence Co.
New York, United States
1.6 x 1. x 1 CM (thumbnail)
price: $200
Worldwide mix summer

Small thumbnail of sharp, glassy transparent crystals of Sphalerite from New York. Textbook forms and with bright luster, the crystals are in fine condition. A modern northeastern US classic locale, these Sphalerites are choice little gems.

Sphalerite- gem variety Cleiophane
stock #AX-27-101
Ninth of September mine, Madan, Rhodope Mountains
Smolyan Oblast, Bulgaria
7.9 x 5.5 x 2.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $330
Worldwide mix summer

Sharp and glasslike gem Sphalerite crystals contrast with the white matrix in an esthetic combination. The Sphalerites are a dark yellow-green best seen when under strong light. The luster is brilliant. From the Madan area of Bulgaria, this zone has produced some extraordinary Sphalerites (and Galenas as well) on occasion. This piece is from a few years ago out of one incredible pocket. Far better than typical specimen with fine 3 dimensional esthetics, there is no damage at all.

Sphalerite - gemmy
stock #18.1-221
Rucheng Mine, Caojia, Nuanshui, Chenzhou
Hunan Province, China
7.9 x 6.8 x 2.9 CM (cabinet)
price: $650
Worldwide mix summer

A nearly pure plate of large crystals up to 3CM across that are transparent in many areas and have a rich dark red hue. A single Quartz crystal on one edge is the only non Sphalerite part of this specimen, there is no matrix. In very clean condition, all the crystals on the display side are undamaged, contacted on back only. From the famed finds made in the 2000-2005 era in Hunan province. These localities are all closed now and specimens have become quite rare on the market in this fine quality.

Sphalerite with Quartz- huge complex crystal
stock #7.AE-393
Rucheng Mine, Caojia, Nuanshui, Chenzhou
Hunan Province, China
11 x 7.9 x 6.4 CM (cabinet)
price: $875
Spring update

A giant Sphalerite crystal stands on a mix of Quartz crystals and Sphalerite. Bright luster, translucent and in fine condition, a dramatic specimen. The complex faces in some photos can seem like bruises were light reflects off many facets, but this is clearly pristine when seen in person. From finds in 2002-3 at Rucheng Mine, at that time the locality of was given as Shuikoushan which is a Zinc mine nearby, but that was purposely misleading. While some large Sphalerites did come from both localities, this habit is was unique to Rucheng. These places are no longer mined and big crystals like this are long gone. A modern Chinese classic and a really impressive Sphalerite, cleaves on the backside but undamaged front, visually perfect on display.

Sphalerite- Dark red crystals on druzy Quartz
stock #6.2-456
Shuikoushan Lead Zinc Mine, Changning, Hengyang Pref.
Hunan Province, China
7.6 x 7.1 x 3.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $440
Spring update

Dark red gemmy Sphalerite crystals with typical complex twinning are well exposed on contrasting matrix. Excellent luster, the Sphalerites with backlighting glow a bright red, they can seem very dark without it. From vintage 2003 finds at Shuikoushan in excellent condition with no visible damage. The matrix is druzy quartz that has a reddish hue. Very esthetic, these were once found in large quantities but few were this choice, they are no longer available.

Sphalerite- Gemmy orange and yellow crystals
stock #17.1-634
Flamboro Quarry, Wentworth County
Ontario, Canada
5 x 4 x 2.9 CM (cabinet)
price: $330
Spring update

Very showy cluster of orange to yellow Sphalerite crystals with complex forms. Minor Dolomite is also present but nearly all of this is Sphalerite. No damage and a choice example of this find from many years ago, the crystals reach 1.5 CM across. Very uncommon on the market today these were among the most attractive mineral specimens from Ontario at one time.

Sphalerite (gem clear var. Cleiophane) w. Galena and Quartz
stock #17.1-706
Borieva Mine, Madan, Rhodope Mts.
Smolyan Oblast, Bulgaria
6.1 x 3.3 x 2 CM (cabinet)
price: $190
Pre Holiday 2017

A fine small cabinet matrix hosting several perfect gem clear Sphalerites on needle Quartz with minor Galena, Pyrite etc. The largest cluster is 1.6 CM and all are glassy yellow green color that is classic for this material. From finds in 2014. The name Cleiophane is not an approved specie of course but it is perhaps the most desirable variety of Sphalerite.

Sphalerite on Dolomite with Chalcopyrite- ex Harvard
stock #17.1-630
Pelican Mine, Picher, Tri-State District, Ottawa County
Oklahoma, United States
5.5 x 4.1 x 2.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $620
Pre Holiday 2017

A superb, specimen from a classic locality, Ex Harvard University , Dr L.C. Wyman and Doug Ervin collections. Perfect and sharp textbook form Sphalerite crystal 3.3 CM across is perched estheticly on matrix. Complete on all sides this has excellent display impact. Classic Tri-state specimen that turns a black mineral into a striking presentation.